Create a Report

How do I create a report or dashboard? Marc Verhees


  1. Log into Snapfix on

  2. Navigate to the Dashboard & Reporting page : Look for the bar chart icon on the left-side menu

  3. Set any date, group or additional filter to narrow down the data you see on the dashboard.

  4. On the top navigate to Reports tab.

  5. Select one of the report types and run the report:
    Task level report
    Checklist report
    Completed tasks by user report

    Time report

    Multi task report

  6. On the right side, you'll see that your report is being generated. Once it is done, you'll see that it is completed and the Download link becomes active.
    NOTE: you might need to reload your screen to see an update.

Mobile App

Task Report:

  1. When you are in a task, go to the INFO tab

  2. Tap the Share icon.
    This will create a PDF report of the task, which can be saved, printed or shared (by email, WhatsApp, etc).

Completed Report:

  1. When you are within a group on the Tasks home screen, tap the 3 dots icon (top right corner)

  2. Choose the Completed Report menu option.
    This creates an .XLS spreadsheet with all tasks completed, by users between a date range.
    The report displays daily, weekly and monthly results.

  3. Save, print or share (by email, WhatsApp, etc) the report.

NOTE: You can set a filter on your tasks before generating the report to narrow down the tasks to include.

Spreadsheet Report:

  1. When you are within a group on the Tasks home screen, tap the 3 dots icon (top right corner)

  2. Choose the Spreadsheet Report menu option.
    This creates a CSV file with all tasks as a line item

  3. Save, print or share (by email, WhatsApp, etc) the report.

NOTE: You can set a filter on your tasks before generating the report to narrow down the tasks to include.

Multi Task Report:

  1. When you are within a group on the Tasks home screen, tap the 3 dots icon (top right corner)

  2. Choose the Multi Task Report menu option.
    This creates a PDF file with all task details in a card format including task media.

  3. Save, print or share (by email, WhatsApp, etc) the report.

NOTE: You can set a filter on your tasks before generating the report to narrow down the tasks to include.

Checklist Report:

  1. When you are within a group on the Tasks home screen, tap the 3 dots icon (top right corner)

  2. Choose the Checklist Report menu option.
    This creates an .XLS spreadsheet with all tasks that have checklists. You'll be able to see a summary page and detailed audit lines.

  3. Save, print or share (by email, WhatsApp, etc) the report.


Time report (web only)

Shows a breakdown of the crucial time stamps from a task. you'll be able to see how long a certain task or checklist took.

1. Log into and navigate to the Dashboard & Reports 

2. Select the Time report
    This report will create a .XLS file with all time stamp related details at the task level.


  1. When you are within a group on the Tasks home screen, tap the 3 dots icon (top right corner)

  2. Choose the Dashboard menu option.
    This will display the dashboard screen, with colour status summary and detailed information like tag usage for all tasks in the group.

NOTE: You can set a filter on your tasks before generating the report to narrow down the tasks to include.